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  • Paintings by Ron Thurston and Anni Matsick were among the award winners in “World of Watercolor & Beyond,” the Fallbrook 12th Annual Signature American International Watermedia Exhibition. Juried by Katherine Chang Liu, the exhibit features 114 works by artists who hold Signature Membership status in one or more U.S. watercolor societies.

    Ron Thurston’s Archie & Sidney and Anni Matsick’s Dreamscape With Wading Pool each received a Sponsor Award. The paintings earlier received the two top awards in Pittsburgh Watercolor Society's 2019 Aqueous Open.

    The gallery exhibit in Fallbrook, CA runs February 13 - April 11, 2021. The catalog and video tour can be viewed on the Fallbrook Art Center site at: https://fallbrookartcenter.org/display-event-fac.php?EventID=470

  • 16 May 2020 10:54 AM | Anonymous

    Due to the Corona Virus Pandemic this workshop is cancelled. We have rescheduled and will be back with two workshops in May 2021.

    Join me, Lena Thynell, for a week of watercolor painting at the beautiful Garden of Lemons, located in Valle de Lecrin,Andalucia, south of Granada, Spain. May 16-23,2020.  We will be painting from life, “Plein Air”, capturing what surrounds us. It could be the landscape, the beautiful garden, or the quaint little town. You will have lots of time to paint. All skill levels are welcome. People have already started to sign up, for more information please see attached link. Feel free to send me an email if you have questions.
    mail: Lena@LenaThynellWatercolor.com

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